Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cattle Mutiliations

What about cattle mutilations? For years, ranchers have been finding cattle on their ranches mutilated. Tongues and genitals expertly removed, that sort of thing. What everyone seems to agree upon is that these mutilations did not happen as a result of wildlife or random acts of nature.

The skeptics say that humans are behind it since unmarked helicopters are often spotted in the area immediately preceding a mutilation. It's a government agency conducting experiments or attempting to spread disinformation, they say. Or perhaps it is members of the occult who bear responsibility. And they would have to be spread throughout the heartland since these mutilations happen all over the country. Yet no one has to date caught anyone or anything in the act of one of these mutilations, despite the fact that they have been happening for years.

I'll be the first to admit, I don't know who is doing it. If it's some sort of government experimentation, I would think that agency would use its own cattle, rather than generate the attention that these acts have and continue to attract. What good comes from getting the public stirred up over mutilated cattle? And if it is the government, they should reimburse the ranchers, several of whom have been forced out of business by recurrent mutilations and a resulting decimation of their herds. Or if disinformation some government agency's goal, why? What is the net gain?

As far as the occult, that seems unlikely to me since these mutilations show an expert knowledge of anatomy based on how the corpses have been dissected. I've never known of doctors or vets being followers in the occult. It's possible but in large numbers, large enough to account for mutilations across the country, I really doubt it.

So, what is it? Who is responsible? Am I missing something? What say you?

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